Ugh, I leave the computer for like two minutes for the bathroom and then have to tell Michelle to get off when I get back. It's like leaving your sandwich out on the deck because you can't take your sandwich indoors with you for whatever reason, birds come and attack it no matter what.
And the internet broke just now, so it's like your sandwich falls apart. Geez! Good thing this blogspace thing automatically saves its drafts. Come to think of it, lots of MS software does that if your computer crashes halfway through your assignment or something. Yay, advancement of technology! Next stop, teleports and time machines. I've taken to getting OCD and pressing Ctrl + S about ten times in a row when I'm using photoshop, just out habit. Though I tell you, every time something does crash it happens after I forget to CtrlS for a bit. Ugh.
Wouldn't it be great if these buttons were available IRL?! If you stuff up something you could be like CRAP, *restart* and go back to where you last saved! And it would be even better if other people didn't have to notice. Life would probably be perfect actually, if slightly neurotic.
(Hee, I like this, "Draft autosaved at 13.03" just flashed at the bottom).
Other shortcut buttons which should be available in real life:
Ctrl+F (for finding stuff)
Ctrl+V (the above three for shifting heavy objects, like for when you're moving)
Alt+Tab (for jumping to different places)
ANYWAY, on blogs, which is what this post was meant to be on :P I've never blogged properly for long, because I get bored or busy and then lose interest entirely. But that was for stupid three-lined journal entries which nobody read like when I was on GaiaOnline and Myspace... ha XD I feel like I'm meant to be summarising my life in a few words! Which is hard! Though this will be easier because I'll just put what I can't be bothered texting out to you. Wil!! You still have to tell me what your freaky dream was about! and then the dream that followed that one! You're like two months overdue. Imagine if that was like a baby or something.
Was about to enter some rant here, along the lines of making our own contribution to UrbanDictionary to reverse the defamation of the symbutton of sushi, but I think that'll do. Well do you reckon we should? I suppose whoever gets there to read our entry would have to read the other one too.
Hey, what about defining symbutton? Now that's definitely something we came up with. Well I did. :P
Anyway, to succintly summarise life in a few words, or at least what I've done this summer so far... you know most of this:
-Thrown out 13kg of clothing
-Weighed self with 13kg of clothing and realized have gained 15kg minus 13kg
-Had a split-second panic about wasting time not studying
-Printed out sheet music (audition for AYO)
-Not practised for audition
-Restaurant Citied
We need a new vacuum cleaner! Can you bring one next time your over, which is hopefully soon? :P Thanks!
I had butter chicken today at Albany mall today! It should be an accomplishment. The guy at the counter told me it was "One hundred dollars". And then he said "Five dollars!" when I grabbed a straw for the drink. I said, "You're not serious!!" Ha. I hope he thought I was fooled. Tricking someone to think you were tricked... doesn't serve any particular purpose. Never mind.
This post is really long and frivolous, I should end this here. So much for succint and summarised. What's nice and conclusive? Eat your greens, midgets! Have something fatty as well, that'll clear the sinuses. Curtains mango fishcakes.