Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Fun at the Beach Day :D


Yay! The beach was excellent yesterday. I can't remember the name of the beach, but I can always find out from someone.

Anyway, here are the sand sculptures I made, with help from some others, and was ridiculously happy with!

Yay! Best Friends Forever!


Some people for size reference :P




The sea taking them away!
What's the story behind the foam that comes up to the shore when the waves break, anyway? I have to find that out. Someone once told me it was whale sperm. Ha!


Also found out that I can hit quite far with a cricket bat, and can catch pretty well. Which means I didn't keep dropping the ball as you would expect :P Woop! Maybe my suckiness at P.E disappeared lessened somewhat after school finished. I'm suspecting that learning to juggle helped me to un-suck in terms of hand-eye co-ordination :D Yay!

You know how I forced everyone to give me their used plastic plates, and cups and drink bottles? I managed to fill up a whole rubbish bag with all of them, and when I took the bag back for recycling I found that the blue recycling bin was still full from Christmas. We literally out-recycled the max of recyclability! Yaaay!

I have a rehearsal today for the gig at the wedding this saturday. I haven't practised! But I looked through the music I was given, and it's all very very easy. I'd forgotten that violists are treated like the handicapped musicians outside of AYO. But that's okay for me, because I haven't practised. Yay for winging rehearsals! Oh! And I got back into AYO for next year, I think I forgot to mention :D

Can you believe it? Three more days until 2010.

ps. I changed our background, as in added in something and also un-screwed the ice cream, because Michelle couldn't tell what it was.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Seasonal Greetings!

Frivelocity would like to wish our readers (and each other) happy seasonal greetings and all their religious variations, including but not limited to: Christmas, Litha (Southern hemisphere), Yule (Northern hemisphere), Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and benefit greatly from your well deserved break.

Blessed Be :D

Stay frivolous!

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Nutty mutterings


Do you know what's amusing? The fact that Clustrmaps shows that the only blog views from New Zealand are from Bucklame. No hits from Fumedgm!

So quite possibly, to anyone whose life is average enough for them to read our blog, I could have just made this blog, and made up Wil! I mean, if you can only draw a valid conclusion from valid evidence, then I might very well be nuts and you imaginary. LOL!

I still find it exciting how there are so many dots from all over the world!!
Anyway, just random mutterings for the day. See you soon!

PS. I just realized we've never added tags "Bucklame" or "Fumedgm"!!!

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

polymerase chain reaction


Hey Wil! I made a new blog, just now. It's not an illegitimate child, I swear! :P
It's a clone of this blog. When you read what's in it you'll understand. I'll be performing HTML/CSS experiments on it in hopes of not killing this one.


That is all!

Monday, 21 December 2009



Hello my lovely! :D Ha yes, I am back in Bucklame. I think I'm tanned-er! Which is kind of a bad thing, because there is no such thing as a healthy tan, because it means your cells have had to exert themselves and cough up melanin just so your DNA doesn't go ajwegfkahfvewf, but superficially it's symbolic of sun and good times and beaches, so it's appropriate I guess :P Except we didn't visit the sea-side but the lake-side. Yay Taupo!

Ahaha, if we're to have another trip of our own you'd better start saving, because I'm making you go on the Hukafalls Jet (Ha! When I first heard it I thought it was Hooker Falls.)


INSANELY FUN. I repeat, INSANELY FUN. It's high speed + sea-spray (except it's a river) + 360 degree spins on a massive jet boat that sends all the ducks scattering. Ha, I haven't described it very well. I'll show you photos later!! [Some] best hundred bucks ever spent.

Ha the trip was pretty watery altogether. We spent quite a bit of time swimming in natural hot pools. The first night, we drove and drove and drove and drove in the pitch black on this long winding road to get to what looked like a hole in the ground, but it turned out to be a pretty awesome spa. And it was au natural, as the French might say (or they might not, I'm butchering their language again, I'm sorry!!)

Speaking of sorry, I didn't manage to get you the presents you wanted! Blah, sulphur. I was poking around the ground in one of the thermal parks in Rotorua and found tiny little rocks encrusted with yellow, but they didn't smell, and anyway I wasn't sure if it was sulphur, or mouldy/mossy stones, or just dried poo. And I didn't have a container big enough to carry your hot spa in, and I didn't find you a gang, although we did drive past a car full of swearing drunken idiots at this one point, but they were gone in a split second.

I apologise and will do better to find you presents next time!

Anyway, I'm hoping to see you tomorrow, maybe I can give you some more counselling about stress at work. And I need to start sorting out Christmas presents!! aewbfalwevfaef. Talk about stressful!

Sunday, 20 December 2009



::Written a few hours ago::

I'm currently at work. There is literally nothing for me to do because it's very not busy, so I decided to grab some paper and a pen and write the time away.

As you know, I can become rather emotionally spastic at work so i'm hoping this writing can be therapeutic. Although, the grease in the atmosphere is making me sort of nauseous.

I do hope you're having fun being in places other than Auckland. Let's hope by the time you arrive back you're still smelling sulphur :P
Don't forget my gift hot spring!

Ha. A couple of days ago, I was sitting at a table writing down maths stuff in an old exercise book, and my mother passes me and says, in a rather surprised way, "oh? You don't need glasses anymore?" I looked at her plainly, and sighed (for real) and said "Mum! I'm short sighted...geez". I've had glasses for how long?! and she calls herself my mother.


Well. I'm not sure if you're back in Auckland yet. We should go on a little trip on our own, and this time you shalt not hold back from oogling shirtless guys. We can do it together :D

3-ish days until we get 2010 course acceptance results! OMG *dies*

Stay frivolous!

Mission Complete...

Thursday, 17 December 2009

"Walk walk passion baby. Work it, i'm a free bitch, baby"


Those are some pretty big things to be worrying about! :O

Try not to think about next year too much. Accept whatever happens and let it be. You'll save a lot of worry and stress this way, which in the long run will keep you more pretty and youthful in the future :D

Yes, you think of me while you go zipping down that hill when your life flashes before your eyes :P But oh no, you won't get your daily dose of Wil while you're away.
I'm not such a big fan of Rotorua - I don't think I could ever get used to the smell of sulphur.

I actually quite enjoyed my dinner. I might have it again in the future. Yours was a bit iffy. Blah.

I remember reading that article on fake degrees. I should just go get one off the internet - it would save me quite a bit of money and time. I wonder what sort of work/course you'd have to complete in order to earn the fake degree.

I enjoyed Santa's Clause tonight. It was an evening well spent. I thought Woolf was dressed rather fine and tasty :P nothing like showing a bit of chest... >.> *nom* The pants were a bit odd though.

Ugh, not looking forward to work. Be sure to keep txting me, encouraging me to keep my temper and sanity. Send me funny and frivolous comments to keep me alive. It is much appreciated!

Well. Some weird stalker person called Megs is chatting to me on MSN so i'll stop this post right here.

Mission Complete!

All things stressful come at once


Woo! I'm finally home for the day. Thanks again for dinner! Although I would've liked to have loitered in Northcote a bit longer. The danger of getting mugged just added a bit of excitement :P

Anyway, I just got off the phone, and apparantly the wedding I'm playing as part of the string quartet in is on the 2nd of January, which is a Saturday, and it lands like half an hour after Hospice work finishes. Well at least I need to rush to catch a ferry / swim, preferably the former, to Waiheke afterwards, at 2pm.

Usually this would have been fine because my Hospice shifts are from 9.30am to 11.30am, but I've traded this week's shift with my friend who works the afternoon shifts, so on the 2nd I finish at 1.30 (I think). And the reason I've done this is because as you know, my parents are making me go to Rotorua this weekend.

I love Rotorua, because it's such a touristy place with fun touristy attractions, but I'll be sad! It's much harder to come over to your place when I'm quarterway across the country :P I'll be thinking of you as I zip down the hills on the luge and ride high in the sky in the gondolas! XD

Other things to worry about:
Christmas presents for people
Birthday present for friend (tomorrow)
The fate of my life next year
Climate change and/or the apocalypse

Greetings from Henry's computer


Ha! Thanks for that :D That makes me feel special! <3 Do you think I could get away with sneaking into uni, printing that out and stamping it with the official UoA seal? Or maybe you could send it down to UoO and ask them to stamp it... since you've already got a real one, they wouldn't begrudge you the favour! Ha! But either way it's still awesome ^_^

Did you know that it's not illegal in NZ to purchase a fake degree?! I saw this in the NZ Herald a while back.

Issuing fake degrees should be a crime (it isn't!!)

Sometimes countries pass stupid laws, but in this case it's stupid we don't have a law outlawing that.

Hmm. I'm going to search up some stupid laws in NZ for the fun of it.


Never mind, I wasn't able to find any outrageously stupid laws in NZ. I looked on Google for two whole minutes! Or even three. Psh. Maybe there aren't any here. Unless you count the Anti-smacking bill, which isn't so much stupid as it is an incredibly feeble way of trying to prevent child-abuse.

The whole argument surrounding that was silly; I think the people who were protesting against the bill in the "March for Democracy" failed to realise that the only ones who are going to be persecuted are the ones who don't give a crap about the anti-smacking bill anyway.

Anyway, I don't have any brilliantly novel political views, but that's my ten cents. Because that's the smallest unit of currency here! :D

I'm actually quite excited about our new world map and where the hits are coming from. Hello person from Canada!! Canada's like mapley-leafy and exciting and has bears. I had no idea where Peru was before today (I'm sorry!! I've learnt now). Sigh. Geo Challenge on Facebook does nothing to teach us Geo.

Word Challenge, however, is epic gewanp. (That's pwnage scrambled!) But it doesn't teach us Word either. :P But it's not a fad anymore, people have moved onto Restaurant City and Pet Society (one of the boringest games ever... but I play Animal Crossing so I can't talk.)

Lala. La. I'm excited about watching Santa's Clause tonight!

You should text me more!

Oh wait, I just got your text. Ha. XD

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Greetings from Higher Authority

Dear Megs,

On behalf of the Higher Authority Council, I would like to congratulate you on your fine academic results achieved in 2009 at the University of Auckland.

You have brought credit to and continued the Asian ethnicity stellar academic traditions. We wish you every success for your academic studies.

Yours frivolously,

Higher Authority Council Executive Representative

Here you go my princess; you can have a congratulatory letter too! :D

Mission Complete!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Saving the world one code at a time


LOLOL thanks for the shameless fawning. :P This is exactly why I'm marrying you you're marrying me!

In other news, in a joint effort Wil and I have figured out how to resize mixpod/music player skins!! Wooo!

Fellow bloggers who want to put music players on the sidebars might notice that the flash files get cut off when they want to resize them.

There are three things to note, ALL of which must be changed to get the flash file to resize to scale:

1. There are codes which define the height and width; they say

height="100" width="100" (or some other numbers).
as well as
width: 100px;height:100px

Change these to the height and width you want first. The size of our dog is Width = 170 and Height = 202.

Where it says:

param name="scale" value="noscale"

change the "noscale" to "scale", ie

param name="scale" value="scale"

It might be helpful to use Ctrl+F and enter this code in, so you find the line easier.


Find the section that says


And delete this! Note, your numbers might be different from ours (NOT 100 by 100, so just type in "&ow=" into your searchbar (Ctrl+F) and see where it turns up. Delete this completely!

Et voila, you should have a nice new smaller (or bigger!) MP3 player for your blog :D


Today's been a good/frivolous day!
We must forever remember this day as the day of buying a tub of ice cream and too many burgers.

AND also the day we realized that the blog is actually searchable on Google now!! We're world famous!! Plan for internet domination commencing goodly.

Writing on the wall


I would like to bid our new background and banner a formal welcome! :D

Woo! It looks awesome and it's all thanks to Megs creative hands. I really really really like the colouring! :D

She hand-drew everything (except the Patrick) and has transformed it into a work of swirly visual stimulation by blindly fiddling around with Photoshop :D

:D :D :D

Her talent is an asset to the community :D

Science really is the way to go. Megs has wisely chosen Patrick to guard our pages. With a Hammer of Strength in one hand and a board nailed to the head - his demeanour screams 'true warrior'!

'This is not a sushi blog' has really grown into a handsome, albeit frivolous, child :)

Mission Complete!

Saturday, 12 December 2009

"You didn't seem to have a problem touching me when we played doctor... "


Okay. I admit it. I find that twincest concept (especially with the Hitachiin brothers) really hot. Maybe because it's so taboo - that's why it's so alluring... <3 XD

I LOVE the banner! It's pretty nifty, I must say. The equation of motion that you added was a nice touch. The map of NZ and Bucklame and Fumedgm being connected was an awesome idea. Your artistic talent has shined once more! Feel proud. The colouring is very pleasing :)
We should put a little comment somewhere saying that you created it :D

I'm thinking about turning my Zombie party dream into a novel, except the thing is that i'm not a very good writer.. But I would really like to have it down in writing because the whole story plot is there! I just need to add in some fillers and change bits so it's not as spastic, incoherent and frivolous (as dreams normally are). hmm... I might start on that and get back to you. I might just change the characters a bit too. Like not write about me but think up a whole new cast of fictional characters to use. Yeah, i'll do it!

Hmm I might go start that novel now. I'll blog ya later!

Mission Complete

Finally, a new banner

Megs: Fourth time lucky :P Yay! New banner.

Natural/unnatural justice


I had a very angry dream last night. I dreamt had two brothers, and they weren't Asian but white, and one was slightly older and one was slightly younger than myself. And I dreamt the older one was trying to get the younger one beaten up, by stealing some guy's girlfriend and pretending that little brother did it. (Or something like that, I think there was paint splashing in there somewhere). So I fully shouted at the older one in front of all our friends. I also made a very nasty comment about my older brother's not-so-flash GPA and declared it to everyone sitting in the lounge.

Anyway, I reduced him to a shamed wreck, and then our group of friends, in stunned silence, continued to fiddle with Pokemon figurines. And I felt this totally satisfied, vindictive pleasure.

Your thoughts? Maybe I'm subconsciously a merciless bitch with a twisted sense of justice... :[

But justice is entirely a human concept anyway. We could be the most merciless creatures in the universe and when an alien comes in a UFO they might be like, "damn, they have such things as punishments on this planet?" Yet they could probably blow up the planet for no reason and think they were being quite fair.

We should go into oneirology :D It'll help us on our journey of self-awareness and also to gauge our level of screwed-upped-ness. I still think your dream with the zombie party takes the cake.


In other news, I hate our (still unrevealed) blog banner, the third one that I'm working on. I was trying for a "graffiti art" effect and instead it looks like someone's suffered from a bout of emesis (love that word) on the computer monitor. Ugh, pixel vomit.

And I've realised why my tablet hasn't been working, it's because the battery's dead. It's lasted well actually, about four years (!) but it had green diarrhoea (I don't love that word, but since I bolded emesis...) inside the tablet pen and now I have to find a AAAA battery. I've never seen them in NZ but I haven't looked yet.

We could stick with the green banner we have now, the generic one. It's like the flag of Libya.
So we would be embracing the culture of this nation as well as representing, maybe, the green pastures of NZ where we can shove our sheep and children. But I'd still like to come up with something eventually.


Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Long time no blog


Hey. Haven't posted in here for a while, mainly because there has been no need to since we've been hanging out together lots.

Ha. Restaurant City is actually quite fun. I like to find the best layout for my restaurant to get the maximum benefits by not keep too many people waiting and using my staff and space as best as possible. I like that. But the other stuff is just frivolous, like having to clean the toilet all the time since I don't have enough staff to assign one as janitor.

I FINALLY how to 'step' songs for my DDR-equivalent programme on my laptop. So now I can create steps and install them to the programme and play with them for any song I want. It gets a bit tedious and repetitive after awhile but the results can be satisfying sometimes. Any requests?

Aloe juice has got to be one of THE most delicious drinks ever. Can I get an amen?

As you know, i'm actually quite enjoying Ouran Highschool Host Club :D I think i've grown a new liking for anime etc.

Good luck with your interviews. You can do great. You're a peoples person and you can speak well when you allow yourself. Don't lock up and panic and if you're finding that the words arne't just coming out just take a deep breath and start over, while looking at the interviewers in the eye.

"You're a hot mess and i'm falling for you, and i'm like hot damn let me make you my boo, cos you can shake it shake it shake it yeah you know what to do. You're a hot mess, i'm loving it - hell yes!"
I'm addicted to that song at the moment @_@

Mission Complete!

Floundering is a fish


Yay, piano!
(I just misspelt that as paino. It's actually quite true when you're as unco-ordinated as I am.)
I can play like 3.5 bars of this piece now. Only because the third bar is where the left hand comes in.

My favourite piece from any soundtrack, ever. From since I was like 8. This guy is a genius x 12038325. He's Japanese apparantly, so I didn't expect anything less. :P
I've decided I might have to kidnap anyone who can play this and glue them to my piano stool.

Yesterday was great :D Amélie = new favourite film.
Pretending to be young parents was lol. We should have made off with the midgets on that playground while we had the chance!
This is actually nothing, but did you hear my use of vocabulary when I was talking to the girl at the counter at the swimming place about their contracts? I'd never felt so articulate!! Usually I feel awkward approaching people-at-counters. You need to be my sidekick at these scenes more often. Haha.

I hope you managed to find the people you were going to take clubbing with you. And stop leaving your phone in URLs! (Unidentified Random Locations. HA I just made that up.)

I'm floundering.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

"Don't worry, tomorrow we'll be back for more frolic and fun."

I have realised that I haven't been sticking the word "frivolous" in my posts for like the last how many posts, sorry! This should make up for it:
frivolous frivolous frivolous frivolous frivolous frivolous frivolous
...My phone was ringing just now, and I just literally ran in a circle around the coffee table looking for the source of the buzzing and dinging. I still don't know where it is!!

Had my AYO audition this morning. I turned up at St. Peter's College on time, which is to say I was late, and was shown in by the reception lady who asked me if my last name was spelt right (it was spelt wrong/"WONG" all this year).

Anyway, the audition was sweet as, almost frivolous, I did a bit of chatting with Antun about uni and biomed/med and his friend who was also judging string performances. Ended up playing only three minutes of the Arpeggione (terribly) and two of the four excerpts they sent to us. I told him that when I go home and played it better I'd send him the recording. That works too, right? He laughed, like when I told him that med interviews were for making sure the students had qualities they want in doctors and weren't psycho (sic).

Did more backstage work at the Vector Arena today. Wore a Tibetan robe and a laminated lanyards with "PRODUCTION" written on it. Felt very important but of course I only helped with shifting stuff and showing people around. :P Do you know, if I had hung around backstage a bit longer than I did today I'd have met His Holiness in person. Tomorrow I'm sticking around backstage for real!

Ha it's funny. I was actually pretty tense at the beginning of His Holiness's speech because I hate politics and thought he'd talk a lot about Tibet vs China and somehow people would get upset, but it wasn't like that at all. I definitely felt peaceful after his speech. The columnist in the NZ herald who criticised him plus the correspondent who said His "holiness" was 'self proclaimed' don't know a thing.

And I just got back today from Gold Class at Sky City Cinemas in the city :D "Under the Mountain" was okay. Some pretty predictable events and some freaky stuff. Tim had VIP passes from his dad. But it was different this time, we didn't get waited on hand and foot. I was looking forward to the butter chicken, but still. Sweet deal :]

Could do with some bc right now though. Starviiing.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

"Is it this paramecium?"


Well, i'm not going to type out my day because you were there for the large majority of it.

Ha. I think I've had too much DDR - just before when I was typing in the password to log into blogspot, my fingers went spastic and I noticed that they were trying to type in beat with the music that I had playing! XD

Let's hang out more! I mean 'out' as in out of the house and maybe in town or else where, and terrorize little children.

I'm a bit tired. I have nothing to talk about anymore! I'm bored with this city. I want back in Dunedin so I can live in my awesome flat and do 'house-moving' things like buy new things for my flat and hold flat-warming parties! and I want to see my awesome Dunedin friends.

Hey you know what i've noticed? All my friends all go to Auckland uni (well, most of them) and they they'ved formed great friendships with each other and then they're like "oh Wil we've missed you so much. come play with us!" and then they act all exclusive when i'm around and all they do is chat about stuff that they did together and their uni (which I have no idea what they're talking about) and they don't even make an effort to fill me in or include me and so when they ask if I want to hang out again sometime I'm like "hmmm no thanks" and then they get all pissy at me. I mean yesh. It's not my fault they bored me to freaking death the first time I was out with them. Plus i've found some people to be more repulsive than I last remembered...

But you're excluded from all of that of course, dear Megs, cos you're awesome :D

Moral of the story: I want Dunedin back! Even with its scummy people, dirty, glass-littered streets and mouldy flats! Plus I want my eye candy back :D

Well, as you can see the ranting has started. It's only the tip of the iceburg, as they like to say.

I can't be bothered being creative so: frivolous.

Mission Complete!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Yay fun times etc


Sup! I don't think there's much point me telling you about yesterday, because you were there, and your memory is better than mine :P But good times are good to record!

Things to keep in mind:
-In Game of Life, one should choose College over Career first.
-The Warehouse should stock up on clothes that fit us
-So should Postie +
-Aero chocolate is good (I'm scanning our photo now, will stick it on your Face later).
-We have to still watch Cloudy w/ Meatballs.
-We have to hang out with KayLynn more often, and in places other than an office xD

So, I got my interview offer yesterday. It was a really really really lucky thing. If I hadn't learnt violin when I was seven, I wouldn't have moved onto viola when I was like 10, then I wouldn't have joined all these orchestras and then the AYO this year, and then I wouldn't have gone to the dead-boring AYO AGM where Anne told me she got her letter. And later she reminded me to check my university email. (Haven't done that in a year, I had 259 new messages!)

You - $4.30 bus money
Anne - tub of ice cream
Marianne - 1 house, plus ice cream

I want to finish watching Amelie. The first half was really bizzare.