That's actually a very good idea!
I think I've been spinning in the opposite direction since last year ended. I've basically been coming home and flopping on the couch reading a novel or playing with my sister's NDS. And then watching Spongebob. And then finding some other reason to not study. Which is such a bad thing to do! These are high school habits that I've reverted to! (Looking back, it's no wonder I did so shoddily in Level 3 Calculus.)
But it's only because the papers haven't been insanely intense. The "jump up" from last year has just been a little step up. It's making me lazy!
Part I of BOptom goes like this:
- OPTOM171A Visual Science: Structure and Function of the eye. Really as the long name suggests. Just going looking at different parts of the eye in great detail, like the
corniercornea, sclera, eyelid, lens, etc etc etc. It's kind of bizarre how much time one can spend learning about a part of your body that's so puny that you could lose it if you put a pin on it (ha!!! Yay puns!). Today we looked at the Aqueous Humour. There was no humour involved at all (sorry!). I guess I like the content, it's just that the lectures are really tedious.
- OPTOM161 Optics of Lenses and Lens Systems. This is the physicsy paper! It's been really really straightforward so far. I guess I've always found Light and Waves of physics more enjoyable than any other part for some reason. Possibly because ray pathways are easy to visualise, and also the maths involved is very simple. This paper takes me back to Form 3 Science concepts, and Form 5 Physics equations. Snell's Law anyone?
Ha it's kind of funny how these papers are OPTOM1xx. When Renee and I were wandering around Grafton we went into an elevator full of third year Optom students who looked at us and said, "Oh... First years." I was quick to reply, "Actually we're Part II!" And then they said, "No, you're Part I. We're Part II. You guys are still first years to us!" Ha. I felt like a noob.
But yes, they were indeed Part II students. It was a very humbling experience. :P
- MEDSCI203 Mechanisms of Disease.Not like Medsci142 last year; this paper's been looking at microscopic ways we cope with pathogens. It's really all about how cells and bacteria fight each other, with all these rules and stuff. It's a bit like Lord of the Rings.
- STATS101G Statistics. Super easy; the concepts are all just common sense and all of the questions in the tests and exam will be multi-choice questions. Today we looked at Normal Distributions. We don't even have to calculate the areas under the graph like we did in Form 6, apparently Excel does all that for us.
So yes, that is a summary of what I'm doing with my life this semester. It's nowhere near as hardout as yours. I'm turning into a slacker.
AYO isn't much of a big commitment, especially right now. The programme's been divided into different pieces and I'm only playing in one of them. So it's about 45 minutes of rehearsing every week. Concert tomorrow at the town hall.
The animals are probably good. Haven't been out to the backyard in a bit. Nobody tidies it and it's such a mess that I'm getting tired of going. I think Leo's bored to be honest. Still loves his towels. We're not leaving food for him overnight because he craps everywhere inside at night, so now he gets dinner at lunchtime so he does his business outside in the afternoon.