Friday, 4 June 2010

And so ends Semester 1, 2010


Well, like, what the heck? It's June already. This is officially my last month of being a teen! And I haven't achieved a whole list of things! But it's okay, I can do it in the holidays.

Here's something sciencey, I guess. Rabbits do not change sex. This is something that Marianne seems to be wholeheartedly convinced about. Rabbits are mammals! Mammals do not change sex, unless they're like the Man Who Gave Birth, except the Man Who Gave Birth was a woman to begin with. And this is something I saw on 20/20 sometime last year, and I'd noticed that he and his wife seemed very hurt by the fact that some people said it was no miracle that he gave birth to a baby. But since he used to be a woman, it was still biologically possible, so I would not have called it a miracle, regardless of how much he claims that it's a miracle because he's a male. It's like having a toaster and altering it so that it has a television screen and marvelling at the fact that it can still make toast. Anyway, rabbits do not change sex, Marianne, so there.

Animals that do change sex are salmon, and some other fish.

Here are some Semester One achievements. I've bought an Optom T-shirt, which is the wrong sex and like a size too big, but it's purple. I've written and finished 25 poems. I've attended for the first time a poetry reading evening and found out that I freaking love listening to them (but I guess it does depend on the writer/performer). I've sat 4 tests, have gotten marks I'm generally pleased with and have also gotten my lowest test score EVER, in physics, which I thought I didn't suck at at the beginning of the year, but apparently do, which is a new type of thrilling. I may have brought the class average down! Woopee. I feel as though I ought to frame the test paper on my wall :D
I have watched the first two episodes of Tess of the d'Urbervilles, and the first half of Great Expectations (the 1946 adaptation). Hmmm, have noticed a real pattern of not finishing the things I begin to watch. Kind of reflective of a lot of projects I do. Sigh.

Woo, wall of text. Huzzay!
Tomorrow begins the mad scramble to learn physics from scratch in two weeks.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. wow megan you've been so productive!
    Writing 12 (!!!!!) poems plus blogging!

    You put me to shame.

    i think any birth including the one given by that man is miraculous although you could argue it isn't MORE miraculous than other births
