Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Let's collect and recollect


My dear Wil, I hope you realise one day that you are absolutely off your rocker, and in the meantime I will keep telling you politely, and with much applause. :D

I have a new interest (obsession?) with nothing to show for it. It is collecting things.

I admire absolutely any person who hoards, like a pack rat, paphernalia that all revolves around a certain subject of interest. It's like having a passion for collecting trophies and everything you gain is your reward. How efficient is that?! And in the end of it all you can rope off your room or your front door with a specially purchased velvet rope (scarlet) and charge people to come to your place and have a peek at your huge display of loot. Like in a museum! Think how rich you would get when you invite your friends round for tea.

Okay, so you shouldn't really charge visitors when you ask them over, but you get the idea. It's the display at the end. It's like being enthusiastic and artistic and a maniacal magpie all rolled into one.

I mean, people will look on your passion with interest, just because you will have so many things to show them! I shall shamelessly namedrop and say that my favourite collector will have to be Shirin, because of all the amazing stuff she's hoarded and the fact her room is like a Library of Pure Awesome (while still much, much neater than mine. My room is a puddle.)

Anyway, like I said, I have nothing to show for this new obsession for collecting things, because I don't actually adore any particular type of item enough to go and collect it. Eye - row - knee. But I still like thinking about collecting things. So I guess right now I'm collecting ideas for what to collect. Which isn't the same thing, because I have nothing to show for it.

Ideas, ideas, ideas:

- Not stamps. (Why do people collect stamps?! Someone enlighten me please, I don't get it. They don't even taste that great on the back.)

- Stockings, esp. those pretty patterned ones that make your legs look like they've been put through a printer. Although, it isn't really stocking season.

- Dolls. Not those creepy china ones, because they look like they're about to throttle you any second. Other dolls. Um... I'll come back to this one.

- Gothic Lolita Dresses . I like these very much. I have one already! There's something thrilling about all those frills, and ribbons, and bows, and things. These look a million dollars and cost around that much too, so I might make this a very long term one.

- Hats, eg animal hats, because they're so darn cute. Like my purple rabbit one!

- Books?

- Drawings by people (not art, exactly. It'd be more fun to just ask people randomly to draw me something, like a frog or something.)

I like how Shirin's basically made a shrine to Michael Jackson in her room. Or, rather, made her room a shrine to MJ. My Favourite Singer of All Time is Lily Allen, who is absolutely talented and lovely and beautiful, but I guess relatively speaking she's not as much of a legend as the Pop King, so it'd be kind of weird doing something similar...

Okay watch this space. I have to go rehearse with string quartet for wedding.

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