Sunday, 18 April 2010

Hinga dinga dingum


This is just another note before the holidays once again slip away into memory (again, where'd they go? Honestly.)

Here are some fun things that were achieved. You know most of this, but one day I won't because I'll get Alzhiemer's or schizophrenia, or something, so I'm putting this down:

-Signed on with Trademe and bought things; namely the book Touched With Fire that we studied poetry out of in English at high school, because I've missed reading what was in them, and also won a bid at 6pm today for Memoirs of a Geisha (the novel, not the movie) because reading it did something to my head that just enabled me to ramble on paper better and a bit more creatively. Exciting times, yes.

-Watched the entire series of Death Note from start to finish. Turns out I had watched most of the second season, I just thought I hadn't because nothing happens for a good fraction of it and partly also because I didn't remember listening through the intro-music very often; but that was only because I very much dislike the screamo at the beginning. But that aside, it's about as good as anime gets.

-(Probably) drove parents crazy by playing the same bars on piano over and over. I practised more on the thing than I did viola over these two weeks. Need to practise the latter.

-went to anatomy museum to look at dead things

-finally figured out algorithm for last pattern on Rubik's cube which was annoying me because I couldn't solve it, but yay for that now

-got new clothes despite needing to get rid of clothes

-did a crap job of studying

-then realised this weekend that am turning into a bit of a social recluse, but what can you do. Yay, bussing starts again tomorrow.

Would like:
New hobbies
More money to pay for new hobbies
A holiday

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