Thursday, 17 November 2011

A new purse

Me: I go out to buy presents for others' 21st and end up with stuff for myself.

Wil: ha buy me presents! What did you get?

Me: A new purse!

Wil: Just what I needed!

Me: I don't think you'd appreciate the purse for yourself :P It's about the size of the Oracle cards and has embroidered leaves and a rose on it!

Wil: I appreciate roses!

I didn't know that.

Pretty homogenous

Very observant of Wil:
"I'm in the staff room for morning tea. I've noticed that the microbiology/immunology department is a pretty homogenous group - they're all white!"

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


TXT from Megs:

"I'm not going to the [ball] this year. No male handbag to go with my dress! :P"

Election 2011

TXT from Megs:

"Actually I have no faith in NZ politics. The best reason the Opposition seem to provide voters to vote for them is solely because they're not the current government. I'm not kidding!"

bong out of the blue

Text from Wil, 1.31pm: "I finally discovered how clock towers work! I always thought it was just a whole lot of bongs but the number is actually quite specific xP"

Sunday, 13 November 2011

When exams loom near... get texts from Wil like:

'Yay. OMG OMG Starting to freak out about exams now. Fuck my life. If only I started freaking out earlier! Argh'

No regrets


Me: "I want your memory. I want it in exchange for this shitload we have to do for three fullyear papers, and a half-year of Optics!!! /gripe. On the upside, you're coming to Bucklame soon!"

Wil: "Ha yes i am! Huzzah! No you don't want my memory. My memory is terrible. You want my face :D much more rewarding."

Me: "Okay I'll take it. My change please!"

Wil: "No refunds! Sucker!

I am never buying from your pharmacy.

Wil, I am your father

Further testament to how screwed up we are, these texts were received on 03.10.11

8.57am: "In one "show" i was in a barnyard shed defending it against demonic pigs. In order to kill them i had to smash through their skulls with a shovel. I think half the dream was just me practising how to kill with a shovel xP after i had killed a bunch of pigs i decided that i should bury them, cos leaving dead demonic bits lying around wasn't that great. So i started digging up the dirt ground and hit somedthing hard about a few centimetres down. I tried to lift it out but accidentally ripped the lid off. It was a gravel coffin thing. Suddenly creepy things started happening like wind started blowing and lots of noises going on. I was like "oh shit oh shit oh shit". Tbc

9.05am: "I was quite aware that I had probably disturbed some holy spirit. Then I felt like i was being watched. It felt like someone was watching me from outside, peering through the slits in the shed walls. I was totally freaking out. More demon things! Then the next bit is sort of a blur. I think it tried to attack me but i was pretty good with my shovel and then a few seconds later we were friends and i think the spirit turned out to be my long lost dad. So I found out that i was the child of some demonly holy spirit xP i was like "where have you been my whole life?!" and he said something like, "i've always been there for you. I went to see you at your shows and i went to see you when you were in the Olympics!"

9.07am: "Apparently my demon dad owned lots of restaurants in town and always got special treatments whenever i was there xP it actually turned out to be a very happy ending xP"

Crazy pharmacist. Wil, whatever it is you're on before you go to bed that's giving you these dreams, be sure to send me some.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Because you can do this with a pizza


[Wil is wondering how to cook the egg on top of his pizza]

Txt from Megs: "Turn it upside down?"

Hygiene purposes

Date: 26-08-11

Txt from Megs one morning:

"I look at the males on this bus and suddenly feel like I'd rather stay single for hygiene purposes."

Why do Arts graduates do anything?

Date: 22-08-11

Txt from Megs:

"Why did the Arts graduate cross the road? To get to the soup kitchen."

A story

Date: 21-08-11

Wil txts: "Tell me a story!"

Txt from Megs:
"Once there was a dinosaur. It walked on four legs and had a neck. One day a big bipedal neckless dinosaur tried to eat him but failed. And tripped and died. The end!"

Ad: I got ripped in 4 weeks

*Megs and Wil surfing the net; sees the following ad*

Meg: "How can people find that attractive?"
Wil: "Speak for yourself >.>"
Meg: "Imagine hugging him. You'd be pretty much engulfed by his pectorals."

Irony, tragedy, self-inflicted

TXT from Megs:

"Irony: Optometrist can't afford glasses;
Tragedy: Pharmacist can't afford drugs;
Self-inflicted: Arts student can't afford pencils"

Revamp(ire) diaries/blogs


Yay exciting blog revamp underway!
I propose from this post onwards we start updating regularly (I know, we say this every yea, but this time it's ON). And so that Frivelocity maintains a coherent theme which readers can follow we should archive the more amusing texts sent to each other across the Cook Strait. Because we are hilarious etc, so of course the rest of the world should know :P

Oh and new background and banner coming! Because one of the contributors to this blog complained that there's too much pink. I don't see THAT much pink on our blog decor but a change will be refreshing.


Apologies for the terrible pun in post title, couldn't resist.

Friday, 11 November 2011



We're in the process of constructing a new design for our existing blog.

Keep your eyes on this space.