Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Kinokuniya; Kaohsiung greetings


Greetings, all, from the arid and smoky-brown city of Kaohsuing, Taiwan! Arrived at Taipei on Sunday at an hour at which I could have watched the dawn break through the airport windows while waiting for the plane down to Kaohsuing, but I was too absorbed in playing Pocket Frogs. (Brilliantly simple, stupidly repetitive, ridiculously addictive application on iTouch).

Now I'm not documenting my three-day adventure in Sydney for the same reason that I didn't blog while I was in Sydney (Best reason: I am going out soon); but it was lovely, and warm, dry, and involved a lot of walking and trawling through shops that line George Street, which is the Auckland equivalent of Queen Street, and Wildlife Worlds and Sydney Aquariums and Sydney Towers.

What I do have to rave about is the gigantic bookstore kinokuniya which is basically exemplary of would happen if an army, bigger than the population of China and India combined, came and seized the entire floor of a very large shopping building and claimed it as their own (and if the army is not of Chinese or Indians, but of books.) Like, foly hucker, was there a gigasmic forkload of books. Got quite, quite lost in there for a while.

I think I could live there forever and if I got hungry I could just eat a book. Books don't have much nutritional value but there are so many in there it would definitely make up for it.

Okay, I do have to go again, but at least I've posted this time. Will update!

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