Monday, 15 November 2010



OMG so this year has come full circle and I am free from the craziest semester I've ever had at uni (granted, I've only had four). YAY YAY YAY YAY. Now I have time to plan a million things-to-do-but-probably-won't-due-to-laziness. But I will do that later, because right now I have all the time in the world to do absolutely nothing :D :D

I guess it's a good time to be reflecting on what I've learnt this year, in Part I Optometry at Auckland Uni, and about Life In General. In no particular order, they include:

- How a colour deficient person sees the world
(there are some cool simulations on the internet. This one's pretty fun:

- That there are more colour deficient people around than you realize, but they only happen to tell you that they are when you tell them you study eyeballs

- That Magnum Gold is really rather sickly sweet, ugh (I learnt this yesterday). And that there ads for it everywhere in the city, like massive billboards that shout "COME GET YOUR ARTIFICIALLY COLOURED ICE CREAM", and that I am a consumer who falls prey to these billboards.

- That Optom Class of '13 class is full of quirky and kooky and damn awesome people, and I love just about all of them

- That I like perfume. I want lots of it.

- That you CAN wing tests and do very well on minimal study. But you can fail too. Whoops.

- That getting Bs and Cs is okay.
You once said to me, "I believe [the grading system] proves work ethic and ability, otherwise there would be no point in having A, B, Cs..." That is true, I agree with you. Getting straight As feels good and looks nice on a transcript of grades. But I think it becomes counterproductive and narrow when it becomes the only goal of one's existence. Having really limited time for revision because of AYO was a nightmare this year, but getting grades that are lower because of that was taught me that it's not the end of the world. Overall (note the OVERALL, haha) I worked hard this year, and I will continue to work hard next year, so I won't beat myself up about grades any longer. It's a freedom that I always had the freedom to give myself.

- That writing stories/poetry/on people's faces is more fun than a lot of things. And far more productive.

- That "you're not dreaming big enough until someone is laughing at you." Kudos, Marianne.



News from home:

So I have a crooked rabbit. Leo's been suffering from head tilt since the last day of uni, and it makes him look like his head's at a 90 degree angle. It got so bad that he was unable to walk for about three weeks and the vet even suggested euthanasia. And I had to look after him continually while revising for exams. Anyway, this semester had the worst exam season ever, so I'm damn grateful to Renee, who really listened. :] Plus I found loads of support and advice on a forum for rabbit owners going through the same thing. So thanks to everyone from On The Wonk :) Funny how strangers on the other side of the world can make all the difference!!

I'm going back to Taiwan these holidays - going on that 3-week tour around the island that's meant for Taiwanese kids who grew up overseas. Excite! Yee!
Oh and I was talking to someone about it who went last year, and apparently lots of Taiwanese people live in South Africa because there were lots of SA Tw people on the tour. Who would've thought!! Dad says it's because years ago, people who could gap the country did so at the first opportunity, regardless of where it was. I find that quite interesting.

Burble, burble.

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