Monday, 8 March 2010

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring

Banana phone! It's a song. I like it. :D

I made a phone call today!

A brief explanation for those who don't know, and which you don't have to read, before I get to the mundane thing I did today:

If I have a weakness, it's falling over my own tongue when I have to make a phone call.

It ONLY happens when it's me who's making the phone call (I have no problem picking up), and when the subject matter is the arrangement of some important business, as opposed to chatting.

It's a bit annoying. I have to leave the room so I'm alone when I call. And when I get through I stumble and forget what to say. So I write things down in the order I want to say them and read off the piece of paper when I'm talking.

Forget about leaving a message via Voicemail. Generally, I just hang up when the recorded message about "please leave a message" starts playing.

Apparently it's called telephobia! It's silly and irrational but I'm getting over it gradually.

-end explanation-

So today I had to arrange for City Mission to come to my house to pick up clothes. For those who don't know, the Auckland City Mission clothes the homeless (they came last Tuesday but picked up nothing because I hadn't sorted out the clothes yet. This is because Marianne arranged everything with them and either she forgot to tell me, or she told me and I forgot about it altogether. I really really think it's the first and not the latter, but the fact that I don't remember her telling me makes a pretty flimsy argument. LOL).

Which means I had to make a phone call. And since I'm trying to go through this whole second puberty thing (reference to previous blog post) I decided I would start using the phone without having to rely on a script. And wouldn't you know it, they put me on voicemail.

So I organised in my head the 4 points I would say to them:

1. Hi, I would like to donate some clothes

2. My address is... (I nearly put that in but then realised that strange pedos lurk on the internet and it would be unsafe especially since I'm going through 2nd puberty.)

3. I would like to apologise for the mix-up last week when you came to my house but there was nothing to pick up

4. If you need to contact me my phone numbers are ###-####

So I said all of that, and I was pretty pleased with it, except I remembered afterward that I hadn't left my name.


I guess it's better than saying "Amen" at the end. I know someone's done it in their hurry to finish talking.


Other interesting things of the day:

-My bus whacking into another bus this morning
-Finding out I was on the wrong campus for the library book I wanted
-Fire alarm going off in Grafton campus
-Hanging with buddies who are now in Med
-Learning the names of the muscles surrounding the femur with Olive (More on this later!)
-Going for a drive for the first time in 7 months


Blah, I haven't done my hour long practice for viola today! awefhalwebiuafwe Must do now.

1 comment:

  1. There's my name!I'm mentioned! This is an awesome blog! (not just because it mentions me)
