Friday, 5 March 2010

Things I've been putting off


So I've figured that I have four years to get my act together and go out and go wild while I still can, before Med school calls me back and I go back once again to a period of intense study and then becoming Tony Ryall's [the Health Minister's] bitch (fantastic quote from our university magazine Craccum, ha!) :D

Sooo - below's a list of things I've been putting off, plus things I'd like to do in this time of, hopefully, intense growth. Just think of it as a second puberty, or something.

- Sit and pass Grade 5 Theory of Music

- Actually get good at viola; I think I owe it to more than just myself. Practiiiise!

- Sit and pass my Restricted (and then Full) driver's license

- Get work experience by joining a particular marketing firm -> I'm very interested in the change I'd see in myself if I worked for this lot; from getting big companies to support charities such as Save The Children, to door-to-door knocking

- Travel. Keen about the idea of going to India; visiting monasteries and holy landmarks, getting to grips with seeing the more chaotic, livelier, harsher aspects of the world and how people live. Plus all-you-can-eat butter chicken curry for the equivalent of NZ 80c? I'm there!

- Learn to cook. I admire people who can cook!

- Get fit. Go for runs? Walks on the beach? Hmmm. Not an easy one. :P

Might add more later.

Got to catch up with Olive today!! Went to visit her and her new apartment and she showed me all the shinanigans she's been up to, and wandered the Hall of Residence and just hung out for two hours :D <333 Yay! xoxo

PS. Happy Birthday Nawar, you're awesome and here's to another fantastic year, buddy :D


  1. Keep updating this blog, I love to read it.

  2. There's my name again! Yay! Me! Olive! I feel like Eeyore when C.R hosted his bday party.
    I shall CTRL+F Olive.
