Monday, 21 December 2009



Hello my lovely! :D Ha yes, I am back in Bucklame. I think I'm tanned-er! Which is kind of a bad thing, because there is no such thing as a healthy tan, because it means your cells have had to exert themselves and cough up melanin just so your DNA doesn't go ajwegfkahfvewf, but superficially it's symbolic of sun and good times and beaches, so it's appropriate I guess :P Except we didn't visit the sea-side but the lake-side. Yay Taupo!

Ahaha, if we're to have another trip of our own you'd better start saving, because I'm making you go on the Hukafalls Jet (Ha! When I first heard it I thought it was Hooker Falls.)

INSANELY FUN. I repeat, INSANELY FUN. It's high speed + sea-spray (except it's a river) + 360 degree spins on a massive jet boat that sends all the ducks scattering. Ha, I haven't described it very well. I'll show you photos later!! [Some] best hundred bucks ever spent.

Ha the trip was pretty watery altogether. We spent quite a bit of time swimming in natural hot pools. The first night, we drove and drove and drove and drove in the pitch black on this long winding road to get to what looked like a hole in the ground, but it turned out to be a pretty awesome spa. And it was au natural, as the French might say (or they might not, I'm butchering their language again, I'm sorry!!)

Speaking of sorry, I didn't manage to get you the presents you wanted! Blah, sulphur. I was poking around the ground in one of the thermal parks in Rotorua and found tiny little rocks encrusted with yellow, but they didn't smell, and anyway I wasn't sure if it was sulphur, or mouldy/mossy stones, or just dried poo. And I didn't have a container big enough to carry your hot spa in, and I didn't find you a gang, although we did drive past a car full of swearing drunken idiots at this one point, but they were gone in a split second.

I apologise and will do better to find you presents next time!

Anyway, I'm hoping to see you tomorrow, maybe I can give you some more counselling about stress at work. And I need to start sorting out Christmas presents!! aewbfalwevfaef. Talk about stressful!

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