Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Even later ramblings


EXCITING NEWS PEOPLE, we have our first anonymous commenter!!! I didn't even have to badger/coerce this person!! Wooo. And yes Miffy, you're partially right, this is indeed what happens to pre-medders, but we still have med to occupy our minds, although we'd rather wish we didn't, so we talk about frivolous things, like beavers or oysters, instead.

Anyway, Dear Wil,

Hell, why are we making rules up for each other? I vote that we can post 19824738715 times a day if we want/even physically possible/somehow end up with that kind of time.

Although actually, I kind of like the idea of a set of rules. Because list making is fun! And it gives it kind of an official and very important feel. (Omg what is wrong with me?)

The Rule Book/Page aka The This is Not a Sushi Bloggic Oath:

1. No editing of the other person's post.
(We established that at my house when we were making this.)

I hereby swear by sushi, butter chicken, ice cream and Wil's turtle that I will adhere to the above rule.

Okay, so one rule makes a pathetic list, but it's still very authorative and important. We can add more later I think.

My mother and I cleaned the house this morning!! We changed the crappy curtains downstairs so they're now not crappy. And used the vaccuum cleaner to clean away the dead insect/arachnid graveyard hidding at the bottom corner under the table. I'm regretting not taking a before/after picture earlier, because having to put the dead insects/arachnids back and changing the curtains again just to take that photo would be inconvenient.

And then we had Vietnamese for lunch.


Today I saw that lady who grabbed me by the wrist at Glenfield and started rubbing products on me when we were there (remember her?!) thrust a brochure at me and I took it. I swear, I'm always accosted by salespeople/bums on Queen Street because I pretend to look interested, or I feel rude. >_< But luckily I hurried off this time. Phew!

I'm still full from lunch. My eating patterns are whacked. I don't think I could eat any more icecream at your place, though if you have some left I'll oblige. Candy is good, I'll have that.

PS. You make my house sound unstable, crappy and ancient!! It isn't folks, okay. Just because it rattles doesn't mean we're expecting a letter from Extreme Makeover Home Edition people any time soon (they have to get back to us... :P)

PPS. Dude, you should come up with a spiffier name for your textbook, like This is Not a Japanese Textbook (Pardon, je ne pas parle francais, and that's the only French I know, except "Regarde le garcon la bas" and "il est mignon" [I'm really sorry for butchering this language with my spelling]).

Peas out!

1 comment:

  1. Hello megan. This doesn't constitute as a life
