Saturday, 28 November 2009

Gold Class, baby!


Woooo, got waited on hand and foot at Sky City Cinemas this afternoon. Well, I could have, if I pressed the "GTFOver here button", and summon the waiters for food, but I didn't. The seats were excellent. Automatic Reclinable La-Z boyish chairs ftw. Physics can be such a pain in the patella, but it leads to robots the shape of chairs we can bend/straighten to our will. Muahhaha.

At either rate, the theatre was much better than the movie itself, by far. We watched New Moon. I'm not one to dislike something just because it's a fad; I've attempted to read Twilight twice (and failed to complete it). But New Moon is boring, with the most cliched of dialogues exchanged between an emotionally dependent moody teenager and her boys who can't afford shirts/don't exist. Dude, people don't say things like that in real life, they say that in every old movie that's ever been made. -_-

They served Butter Chicken on the Gold Class menu though :D I didn't have it this time, but now I know I will gladly go back. For a different movie. They should, though, train their waiters better in the art of fine dining! This lady had coke spilt all over her and all this waitress did was grab a cloth and say, "Do you wanna move to that seat?" Friv-o-LOUS. Honestly, WWSD?! (Like WWJD, but with Spongebob.)

My mother has now a credible theory for my bout of throwing up last night. FOOD POISONING. :( She forgot to clean the lid of the cooker before making rice.


  1. lol suuuure foood poison...
    i still think you drank too much last night :P jokes
